1 | 把你自己的手放在前面,想象下夹在你手缝里的一双小脚丫。 | Hold your own hand out in front of you, and imagine those feet poking through your fingers. | |
2 | 把顺差花在脏能源上再伸手要钱起码来说是缺乏诚意的。 | By spending their surplus on dirty fuels and then sticking their hand out to request money for clean energy is disingenuous at best. | |
3 | 比如说,在美国当我们在年终发放奖金的时候,我们必须要记住---在印度,奖金是在秋天发放的。 | When we hand out year-end bonuses in the U. S. , for example, we have to remember that in India, bonuses are distributed in the fall. | |
4 | 不像其他同伴那样挨家挨户地去分发传单; | She did not hand out leaflets door to door like the rest of the group. | |
5 | 不要理这样的女人;旁观者能很快地感觉到这样的人不是因为爱,而是为了求乞。 | Stay away from those types of women; another woman can sense it the moment she comes across someone not looking for love but for a hand out . | |
6 | 抽出来一看,是一个小巧的皮本。 | Pulling her hand out , she found a small leather book . | |
7 | 从对诈骗负有的责任中解脱出来,各个银行向他们所有的顾客分发晶片加密卡时将有巨大的奖励。 | Freed of the liability for fraud, the banks are going to have a huge incentive to hand out chip-and-pin cards to all their customers. | |
8 | 但是美国能源部还未能提交任何一笔2005年就批准了的核企业贷款担保。 | But the Department of Energy has yet to hand out any of the previous batch of loan guarantees approved in 2005. | |
9 | 第一节课时就下发课程大纲并按大纲进行授课。 | Hand out a course syllabus at the first class, andfollow it. | |
10 | 对配额定价将带来巨大收益,而如果联邦政府效仿欧洲的做法,就等于将配额中所蕴含的400~500亿美元拱手送人。 | This will be a huge fight; for, if the federal government did what the Europeans did, it would hand out $40 billion-50 billion in permits. | |
11 | 而如果塞尔维亚人和克罗地亚人能在波黑出示护照,为什么阿尔巴尼亚人不能给科索沃阿族人发放护照呢? | And if Serbia and Croatia can hand out passports in Bosnia, why should not Albania issue passports to Kosovar Albanians? | |
12 | 分发牌,并开始从主集合中抽取虚拟Bingo球,就像先前抽牌所做的那样。 | Hand out your cards, and start drawing virtual Bingo balls from the master set, much like you did when you were drawing cards earlier. | |
13 | 高校图书馆图书加工交由书商进行的设想 | Ideas on the Hand Out of the Work of Book Processing to Bookseller in University Libraries | |
14 | 格兰特则以伸出手拥抱他作为回应。 | Grant reacted by stretching his hand out in a motion to embrace. | |
15 | 更好的办法是让发出的信号还能带来社会生产力,这样我就可以拿面包交换有用的劳动。 | Better if the signal was also socially productive, so that I could hand out bread in exchange for useful work. | |
16 | 还有一个建议试用于另一组学生,他们得到的奖励是手机。 | Another idea, being tested on a different group of children, is to hand out free mobile telephones. | |
17 | 既然您了解了什么是RSS数据格式,您就可以查看您希望发布的数据,并将其转换为RSS格式。 | Now that you know what the RSS data format is, you can look at the data you want to hand out to the world, and put it in that format. | |
18 | 她没告诉过任何人,她每周的购物其实是分发食物,而且她怀疑这儿的其他人也已承认了这一点。 | She’s told no-one that her weekly shop is a hand-out and she doubts anyone else here has admitted it either. | |
19 | 今年奥斯卡颁奖礼上至少会看到5位喜剧演员上场担当颁奖嘉宾 | At least five funny actors will help hand out Oscars this year. | |
20 | 尽可能亲自把你的简历叫给每位人事主管。 | Personally hand out your resume to every Personnel Director you can. | |
21 | 经济危机成就了国家救助跳跃发展,但也限制了政府所能提供的救助数额。 | But the economic crisis that is the reason for the jump in state aid may also limit the amount that governments can afford to hand out . | |
22 | 凯里表示,最好的诀窍之一就是在可能的时候送别人一些小礼物,因为通常你会得到比小礼物价值大得多的回报。 | Kelly says one of her best tips is to hand out small gifts where you can--what you receive in return will usually be of a greater value. | |
23 | 零售商们也必须承担责任,减少分发一次性购物袋。 | Retailers need to take responsibility and lift their game to cut down on the number of single use carrier bags they hand out . | |
24 | 美国人(及扎尔达里)去年通过向巴基斯坦驻华盛顿大使馆独立签发签证做出了回应。 | The Americans (and Mr Zardari) responded, last year, by arranging for Pakistan’s embassy in Washington to hand out visas independently. | |
25 | 穆斯林人权组织对每年拨给每个成员国议会的100万美元的使用情况进行监控。 | It monitors the use of the $1m given to each member of parliament annually to hand out in grants. | |
26 | 拿出报事贴,让听众将其答案写在上面,然后统一贴在墙上或白板上。 | Hand out post-it notes and ask people to write their answer on the post-it and then come and stick it on the wall. | |
27 | 那帮家伙不会很痛快的就把新的躯体给你的;他们总是想知道你到底把原来的那个怎么样了。 | They didn’t hand out new bodies just like that; they always wanted to know what you’d done with the old one. | |
28 | 那孩子一只瘦骨嶙峋的手从她的外套底下摸出来,她感觉到他小小的手指在找着她的脸。 | The child snaked a bony hand out from underher coat and she felt his small fingers searching her face. | |
29 | 那么,高蛋白食物真的能让你远离饼干桶而摄入极少卡路里达到的减肥目的吗? | Could a high-protein really help you eat fewer calories (and thus lose weight) by keeping your hand out of the cookie jar? | |
30 | 亲戚们通常在午餐时间到达并奉上他们的礼物,和父母们聚会直到晚餐开始。 | Relatives arrive around lunchtime and hand out their presents until Christmas dinner begins. |